Thursday, January 14, 2016

So Long Sammie

Pop, you're never going to die!
Do not taunt the Grim Reaper

Willie did what he always did when he was missing Sarah. He got into his spaceship and flew into the stars. He felt closer to her there. Mission Control did give him the news that he was going to be a great-grandad.

Shane and Micaela moved into the heir's bedroom. Here is where all Legacy children were born and lived their first days in the Same bassinet. The same Same bassinet.

"Becoming a grandmother makes you feel old, Theresa? Well, it makes me feel frisky!"

What was it that Shane had said? Eat, sit annoy? Well, now that the annoy part was out of the way, it was time to sit and write.
Only he didn't get much writing done.

Willie was off in space and Theresa was in the home spa when the Reaper came

All who were home gathered in the Same Cemetery with the rest of the family.
Theresa and Micaela go back into the house to give the siblings some time to prepare, discuss Legacy business and miss their dad. 

Perhaps Mission Control should have waited for Willie to return from his expedition before giving him the news. He raced home and then this happened:
If you look in the upper left-hand corner behind the tree, you can see the wreck that used to be Willie's spaceship.

We Remember Sammie


Through the years

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


and Willie

Shane was in a state of panic. Any day now Micaela was going to find out about him. How he still wanted to make drinks and hang out with his buddies playing guitar. He still wanted to make out-there jokes. Inside, he was still a jerk. It was imperative that he move fast before she found out.

 He had to ensure he started every day like this:
He could spend hours watching her sleep. Did watching her while she slept make him a jerk too or just a little creepy? 

It was obvious he had to seal the deal as quickly as possible, before the wheels fell off.

Sarah and Willie got married under the stars and his parents eloped. Shane wanted none of that. He wanted a public, everyone-can-see-she-agreed-to-be-mine wedding so that there was little wiggle room for her once she found out he was still a jerk.

"Do you promise to love me forever, in spite of any guitar playing, drink making, joke telling jerkiness that may come?

"Oh you, silly! I love you because of all of those things. You can do all those things without being a jerk if you try. I know because you don't have a mean trait in your body. Plus, you love me a lot."

"I do."
"I do too."

After the wedding during clean-up, Sammie stumbled on a familiar scene. . .
"Oh dad! It's been so many years and still you mourn. I. . . I've got something I want to show you. It's against the rules but I can't keep it from you any longer. Come inside and let's talk."

Sammie had been holding on to this secret for too long. He needed to help his dad if he could, to hell with the rules. He was feeling guilty he hadn't told Willie sooner.
"Dad, there's this book. I wrote one. It's The Book of Life. If the Lady Up Above Who Runs Things finds out--which she will. . . still. This book of life. It could bring Mom back."
Willie gave a long, soft sigh. "Ah son. I promised you momma the day Sallie was born that I'd let her go. I don't think she's appreciated it much if I brought her back. You know your mom's temper! I'll miss her until the day I die, that's for sure, son. I'll stop missing her soon."

"Pop, you're never gonna die!"

"So you don't mind my drink making and joke telling?"
"So long as you give me a little space and don't care that I'm lazy like you."
"Care? That's what I like best about you! I'm almost kidding. What kind of parents do you think two lazy people will make?"
"Yeah, that's part of this legacy thing, you know. You mean you didn't know? Too late, you're my wife. You have to love me."
"You and our kids too. I didn't know you wanted them."
"It's cool. There are a lot of people in this big ole house. Somebody's bound to take care of them."
"You silly!"

Monday, January 11, 2016

Two Parties

And a date
with a jerk.

According to Shane, the best thing you could do after having to become an adult was to throw a cocktail party. So that's what he did.

Shane spotted her from across the room. Micheala? No, it was Micaela-- that how she spelled it. He liked her in high school and the last time Shane saw her, she was just a kid.

She wasn't a kid any more.

He didn't get  to speak to her at his party because he was busy at the bar but he kept his eyes on her all night. He'd have his chance with Micaela in a few days at Sallie's birthday party. Because, for sure, he was inviting her.

For her birthday, Sallie aged gracefully.
And with no surprises. She now works for Techtonics LTD and, as you can see by the shape of her, she's a bit of a glutton. And back there, behind Sallie we can see Shane trying his best to get Micaela's attention.

And getting Micaela's attention wasn't as easy as it should have been.
He tried sidling up to her on the dance floor but she was so absorbed in the music she didn't even spare him a glance.

He tried giving her the sexy eyes like Grampa Willie showed him. Success! She finally noticed him!

If Grampa worked once, maybe he'd work again.
"Can See that? Of course you can't, it's day time. But right over there is exactly how far the Same Legacy reaches. Right, Grampoid?" 

By the end of the party Shane had sealed the deal with a friendly hug and a date.

They went to the Rattlesnake Bar where Micaela flirted.

Then Shane made one off-color joke about llamas getting it on with freezer bunnies. . .
and she walks off.

"Hey, what happened? We were on a date!

You wanted to take a nap?! You are a woman after my own heart. Please come back."

"So, while I was waiting for you to come back, I met this here chickie
maybe you two can get together and wink, wink- nudge nu. . . . I'm kidding! Where are you going?"

Shane chased her down. Why was she making him work so hard?
"You're just so beautiful with your daisy dukes and Uggs and lazy-- even lazier than me! How is that even possible? You're just so perfect. Why do you keep running away, Micaela?"
"Because you're kind of a jerk. And I only said 'kind of' to be nice."

He was a jerk? Nah, he couldn't be. He was cool and hip. Sure, some people found his jokes in poor taste but that was because they were too midtown. But Micaela, she wasn't a midtown. She was perfection.

Micaela stifled a laugh when she saw the confusion on Shane's face. "You don't think it was a jerky to ask your date for a threesome with a stranger you only just met?"

"That totes was a joke. I was being cool. . ."
"If you stop trying to be cool all the time, maybe I could figure out if I like you or not. Anyway, I'm tired of standing here. I'm going home to lay on the couch and watch some TV in quiet peace."

Shane took a few days to mull over his disastrous date and then, on his next day off, he invited Micaela over the house.

"I'm glad you've come over and given me a second chance, Micaela."

"You may not know this Micaela but I've lo. . . liked you ever since high school and I want to give you the chance to like me too. Here at home, this is where I am at my most me. With my family."

"Which isn't to say that I don't tell off-color jokes at home. Still do. That is part of me. Anyway, here's me without the cool. It isn't much, sorry."

"Not much? Shane, don't be silly!

This is "totes" the best part of you."

"Hey, Theresa."
"Yeah, Sammy?"
"Looking at those two is giving me ideas. Wanna meet at the spaceship?"
"If the space ship is rockin'. . . ."

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hi, I'm Shane

The Next Heir
Big whoop.

Everybody says I'm lazy.
If preferring napping to doing homework, sitting to standing and not cleaning to cleaning makes me lazy, then I'm lazy. But let me let you in on a secret: I'm the only one in this giant house with a job. So who's lazy now?

Gramps is retired.
 Don't let his sexy eyes fool you. He's really old. But since he's an alien, this is his chosen look. That's why my little sis has called him Grampoid since forever.

Mom's job has always been to take care of us.
And browbeating us.

And helping us find our "center", whatever that is.


 Sallie who everybody thinks is such a serious student. Genius even. . .
. . . but this is how she likes to spend her time. Playing with dolls. And I'm the one wasting my time.

All dad does all day is sit, eat and annoy mom. Sure he's a famous bestselling author but really-- 


Can you tell from that last picture that he's annoying mom with grey hair? That's because he had a birthday recently.
Ha ha! Every time I see this picture I crack right up! That's dad, enjoying his birthday cake and that's Gramps begging him to put a shirt on. You'd never guess who's the father and who's the son in this picture.

There he is, sitting with his Simulitzer, and two Sim Newbery awards.
I may feel a touch guilty looking at this picture, what with my dad surrounded by awards and my homework tossed on the floor behind him, undone.

Hey, I have to unwind after a full day of school and the job. The job which, I may have already mentioned, I'm the only one with.
That's me and my fellow barista, Sean. We wear hats to swim because it's so ironic. Hats in the pool-- get it? Of course you don't. Nobody gets it. That's why it's cool.

Me and my friends like to drink, hang and then maybe drink some more. We're getting a band together too. My mom made me take piano lessons when I was a kid, and I crushed that. But now all I wanna do is shred my ax!

Had a cool birthday party. It would have been cooler if my parents had spent more money on it. After my birthday I found out I really, really like money.

Co-worker Sean was at my party. So was Michaela. It was weird. Before I blew out the candles, Michaela was freakin' hot. Then, after I blew them out, she was like, a kid or something.
Sean, on the other hand, was there to tell me that the coffee shop we work at wanted me to stay on full time. Why not? I like to drink.

So what if I'm lazy? It's not like I have to do anything with my life. I'm the heir. All I gotta do is stay in this big ass house and have one baby. Easy-peasy.
The final me: Lazy, geeky and materialistic.