Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Going Out With A Bang

I Have A Secret
that will kill you

It was Willie's elder birthday and all he could think about was the secret he had been keeping.

And while he was being celebrated, he knew he had to come clean.
If not to everyone at least to his loving and loyal wife.

Honey, I have something to tell you.

Perhaps it would be better if I showed you.

I came from over a billion miles just to be with you.

Do you still love me?

Last night was special, Willie. Remember that I will always love you.

It all happened so fast and unexpectedly. Before the Grim Reaper showed up Willie was gone.

I went to look for him.
He was in the bed, crying.

Sammy ran in from the mailbox, ready to plead with Grimmy for his mother's life.
But he was too late. She was reaped while his action was queuing.

I will note two things: First, when Willie put his disguise back on, he was no longer gray. So now we know aliens are vain and will dye their hair.
Second, I'm not playing these guys for a bit because they are depressing me. Sarah never got to fulfill her lifetime aspiration and it looks like Willie might not either because he doesn't want to do anything but mope around and cry. And as for an heir-- Sammy was pretty hopeless around women to begin with and now he can't even talk to them. The two of them need to pull themselves together.

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